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Aakanksha Monga

About me



These are the words I strive to live by, every single day.
I’m a consultant turned full-time traveller, storyteller, and adventurer. With a growing community of over 600K fellow passionate travellers, I’m all about human connection, meaningful discomfort, offbeat travel, and solo adventures!
My love affair with travel began at just 6 years old when I explored the small town of Paro in Bhutan with my parents. Now, I’m hopping planes, buses, rickshaws, and tiny taxis to explore the world with my backpack, an open heart, and a yearning soul for adventure and connections that matter.


I worked hard to save money, slept in tiny hostels, and volunteered at home-stays to make my travel dreams a reality. Eventually, I left my cushy corporate job and now, I create my own travel bytes on Instagram, work with big brands, and share unique stories from around the globe!!

So join me on this adventure, as we break invisible barriers, broaden our horizons, and chase that feeling of BEING ALIVE! Let’s go!

Viral Video Playbook

Are you ready to create videos that captivate, engage, and go viral? Our "Viral Video Playbook" is your ultimate guide to creating high-quality videos that resonate with your audience and stand out in the digital crowd.

  1. Video Quality: Learn how to deliver a clear message in your videos, whether it's to inspire, educate, entertain, or evoke emotion. Discover the importance of high-quality uploads and crisp audio, and the impact of background music. Explore the benefits of outdoor shooting for certain types of videos.
  2. Engagement: Understand how to grab your audience's attention in the first three seconds with a strong visual or spoken hook. Learn how to effectively use Call-To-Actions (CTAs) at the end of your videos to encourage engagement.
  3. Subtitles and Captions: Master the art of creating fitting subtitles that enhance your video content. Discover how to craft compelling captions that start with a Call-To-Action.
  4. Cover Selection: Learn how to select or create a captivating cover that draws viewers in.
  5. Sharing: Finally, get ready to hit upload and share your masterpiece with the world!

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned video creator, "The Viral Video Playbook" is an invaluable resource to help you create videos that resonate with your audience and have the potential to go viral. Get your copy today and start creating videos that truly stand out!

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